Who is Brianca Jay?

Hey, its Me!

Houston based web designer Brianca Jay!

The short of it: I make great websites for small business owners.

I’m a millennial who started her career with hopes of owning the corporate sector. But, after a few years of ugly crying in the car, I shifted my career to something that felt a lot more fulfilling- web design.

Sounds strange, but I have always been good with 2 things:

1. Style - I can make anything look good. I live for a good aesthetic and web design takes a lot of style. Its basically a personal stylist… except instead of working on your personal wardrobe, we are sculpting your business image. The website we create is the equivalent of your 1st day of school outfit. It makes, and it breaks.

2. Storytelling. I live for a great story. I love to tell them (I have a few published that you van check out) and I love to hear them ( i even go back and discuss them with my book club, feel free to join us). Business’s strive on their story, the story brings connection, and the connection brings trust and then boom, you got a sale!

Great web design balances both style and story telling to create compelling brands that clients love. So, I took these two skills and formed a business in web design and digital marketing…I get to utilize both style and messaging while also maintaining freedom over my life.

Get to Know More About Brianca Jay, Houston Tx Web Designer

Brianca Jay Certifications and Trainings

Brianca Jay Certifications and Trainings

In the digital age education is paramount, you not only need to show it, you need to prove it. This is why we dedicate ourselves to staying abreast of the latest digital trends and strategies so we are always creating cutting edge materials for you and your business.

Certification of Content Roles from SemRush
Certification of SEO from Hubspot academy

WHat Matters to Brianca Jay.

What matters is people being happy.

There was a time in my life where happiness seemed to evade me. I felt as if I could never have a life that I desired, one with travel, elaborate meals, fancy cars, genuine love (( that last one is still hard to catch but you get it).

I had created a mentality that suggested other people could be happy , but not me because I had to______________ ( insert really poor excuse here).

It wasn’t until I was 25, working in a kitchen to create a database that organized all the recipes and ingredients for search-ability (zzzzzz)that this attitude changed. It was after work, and i had came to my alma mater with the sole purpose of whining!

There I was, crying to my professor about the stale smell of chicken that seemed to live in the threads of my clothing, and my crappy job, that seemed to cost more to maintain than i actually made, when he suggested I quit.

Very simply, just like that, some privileged old white man said quit. It was so absurd I began to laugh at him, but he was serious.

Because, if I wasn’t happy then it wasn’t worth it.

SO, i quit! i took a job making 300$ month plus tuition to attain my masters…I was poor but I was happy.

Thats when I realized what i wanted most, more than 3million in my bank account, more than my shopping habit, more than the picture perfect life, I wanted to be happy.

Every time i take on a new client I am overjoyed by the passion they have in their work. The dedication to their success. These are startups with little money, and yet they are the most excited and charismatic individuals i have ever met.

This is the energy I enjoy working with best. and i work to ensure that you are happy with everything we create together.

People We Have Made Happy with Websites that Honored their Vision and Represents their Brand

What We Do.

Well, as a Houston based web designer, it won’t come as a surprise to you that we create web sites. But you may not know we are rated 5 stars on google, we are square space circle members and have been invited to become wix partners.

We have partnered with major companies like the United States Army, and passion fueled institutions like the Texas Southern University research department, and if we are lucky, we will be partnering with you next.

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Brianca Jay is a writer and illustrator with a deep passion for books. “During my childhood, I gravitated towards books, I was a quiet child, but books helped for me to feel more understood, and expand my understanding”, says Brianca. These days, she is writing her own books while teaching litertaure and hosting a digital book club.